Capacitor modules
The capacitor modules respond to the need to have available a reserve of energy to which the servo drive can draw.
All the accessories available
The capacitor modules respond to the need to have available a reserve of energy to which the servo drive can draw.
The braking resistors serve to dissipate the large amounts of energy produced during the braking of the electric motor.
These chokes, fitted to the three-phase mains, allow decoupling between converter and mains and therefore drastic cut down of spikes produced by thyristors firing.
The 13/001 analog isolator has been designed for the purpose of decoupling DC signals.
The use of external mains filters is necessary to comply with European standards and in terms of electromagnetic emissions.
These inductances are designed to be combined with single-phase or three-phase thyristor converters of the four-quadrant type without “dead zone”.