The D SERIES digital servo drives family (12IRD, 6ID, 6AXD) are designed to power and control the operation of DC motors both in wound field and in permanent magnets.
In D SERIES digital servo drives, the thyristor bridge for the reinforcement is inserted inside the container for armature currents up to 500A and for larger currents an external bridge to the servo inverter is used; while the field bridge is always inside the converter.
The I/O Connectors, the LCD display, the programming keys and the USB port are mounted on the front, fully accessible to facilitate connections, measurements, adjustments, adaptations and operation diagnostics.
All D SERIES digital servo drives control and regulation circuits are digital and completely isolated from power.
The digital inputs and outputs are static and opto-isolated, the analog inputs are differentials.
This servo drive is available in three models:
- 12IRD: it is equipped with a 12 thyristor bridge to feed the armature and works in the 4 quadrants (bidirectional).
- 6ID: it is equipped with a 6 thyristor bridge to feed the armature and works in the 2 quadrants (unidirectional).
- 6AXD: it is equipped with a 6 thyristor bridge to feed the armature, it works in 4 quadrants (bidirectional) and is specific for axis control applications in machine tools or in any application where the cancellation of the backlash around zero.
All models can be supplied with a single phase bridge for field control, able to supply motor field with a maximum voltage of 400Vdc and a current of 20A.
A removable memory card contains a copy of all internal servo drive parameters and allows the rapid transfer of all data to a new converter in the event of a replacement, thus minimizing downtime.
Further information
Armature bridge:
- 12IRD: maximum output voltage: 400 Vdc or 480 Vdc, maximum output current (with internal armature bridge): from 15A to 500A (peak + 33%).
- 6ID: maximum output voltage: 440 Vdc or 530 Vdc, maximum output current (with internal armature bridge): from 15A to 500A (peak + 33%).
- 6AXD: maximum output voltage: 220 Vdc or 280 Vdc, maximum output current (with internal armature bridge): from 15A to 90A (peak + 33%).
Field bridge: maximum output voltage: 400Vdc, maximum output current 20A.
Direct current motors with wound field or permanent magnets.
- TTL 5V Line Driver Encoder.
- D.c. tacho-generator.
- Reaction of armature voltage (without transducer).
- Internal connections between the various function blocks can be modified by the user.
- Diagnostics, saving / restoring parameters on PC software.
- External memory for copying and transferring parameters to another servo drive.
- Differential Analog inputs ±10V with 15 bit +sign resolution.
- Analog outputs ±10V with 11 bit +sign resolution.
- Fully programmable digital I/O.
- Functional blocks for:
- Calculations of the absolute value.
- Signal comparators.
- Adders of analog signals.
- Analog reference generators.
- Analog switches.
- Analog limiters.
- Anti-backlash to connect two drives in the Master/Slave via Can-Bus.
- Current limit in slowing down or acceleration switchable and settable separately.
- Digital switches.
- Maximum load on the servo drive signal.
- Motor start/stop with DEN input.
- JOG command: fixed reference, square wave or triangular wave.
- Possibility to stop the run for overheated motor (time settable) or only signaling.
- Maximum load on the motor signal.
- Speed thresholds.
- Speed reached.
- Variable current limit according to speed.
- Motor stopped signal.
- Overload of the motor (current greater than the nominal) can be set and limited with thermal image.
- Selectable double speed ramp.
- Double set of gains selectable for the speed loop.
- Three-phase mains inductance
- Three-phase line filter
- External fuse holder
- Ultrafast fuses
- DC side inductance (for 6AXD model)

Instruction book in English language valid for the 12IRD, 6ID, 6AXD model with firmware V4.*